edm electrodes mersen

Funkerosionsbearbeitung Ellor®

Ellor®: Blöcke und Rohlinge aus hochdichtem isotropem Graphit für Ihre Funkenerosionselektroden
Ellor®: Blöcke und Rohlinge aus hochdichtem isotropem Graphit für Ihre Funkenerosionselektroden
  • Ellor®: Blöcke und Rohlinge aus hochdichtem isotropem Graphit für Ihre Funkenerosionselektroden

    Graphit für EDM

    Graphit hat viele Vorteile und ist dadurch das meistverwendete Material für Funkenerosionselektroden:

    • Beständigkeit gegen Temperaturschocks
    • Geringer Wärmeausdehnungskoeffizienten und hervorragende geometrische Stabilität 
    • Bearbeitbarkeit
    • Geringer Verschleiß während der Funkenbildung

    Mersen ist in der Lage, für die jeweilige Kundenanforderung die beste Graphitsorte mit dem besten Qualitäts-Leistungs-Verhältnis anzubieten.

    • logo Mersen Ellor 18

      Ellor® 18

      Universal fine grain grade

      Ein Graphit mittlerer Dichte für die Halbfeinbearbeitung und das Aufrauen in der kürzesten Zeit und zu minimalen Kosten.

    • logo Mersen Ellor 20

      Ellor® 20

      Universal fine grain grade

      A graphite for both roughing and finishing operations. Ideal for manufacturing plastic moulds.

    • logo Mersen Ellor 25

      Ellor® 25

      Universal superfine grain grade

      The greater density of this grade provides a better surface finish. Its mechanical properties enhance the service life of electrodes.

    • logo Mersen Ellor 30

      Ellor® 30

      Exceptional superfine grain grades

      The surface finish is better and electrode wear is always the lowest.

    • logo Mersen Ellor 40

      Ellor® 40

      Exceptional superfine grain grades

      The surface finish is better and electrode wear is always the lowest.

    • logo Mersen Ellor 50

      Ellor® 50

      Exceptional superfine grain grades

      Very fine structure and high density: very precise machining details and remarkable surface finish, whilst reducing electrode wear.

    • logo Mersen Ellor DS4

      Ellor® DS4

      The premium ultrafine grain graphite

      Exceptional surface finish, outstanding strength and wear resistance.

  • ELLOR® isostatic graphite from Mersen has numerous advantages, making it the preferred material being used for die-sink electrodes.

    • It is easy to machine.
    • It is very resistant to thermal shock.
    • It has a low coefficient of thermal expansion (3 times lower than copper) which guarantees stability of electrode geometry during EDM.
    • It does not melt, but goes directly from the solid state to the gaseous at 3400°C, which reduces wear.
    • Its density is 5 times lower than that of copper, which results in lighter electrodes.
    • It provides a higher metal removal rate than copper with less wear.
    • It has the unique characteristic that the wear ratio tends to decrease as the peak current increases.
  • Graphite
  • Product Literature

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