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E090578 - MI6SF6V8

Feinsicherung IEC Miniature Fuses Size 6x32 3SF 8A Größe 6.35x32

Mersen's 3SF miniature fuses cover a range including multiple amperages for 250VAC, for the protection of electrical distribution circuits and other industrial applications. These fuses are available in size 6x32. 3SF miniature fuses are fast-acting fuses that protect your electrical equipment from the slightest high current. All our technology and processes are designed to ensure the best technical performance.

Feinsicherung IEC Miniature Fuses Size 6x32 3SF 8A Größe 6.35x32

Mersen's 3SF miniature fuses cover a range including multiple amperages for 250VAC, for the protection of electrical distribution circuits and other industrial applications. These fuses are available in size 6x32. 3SF miniature fuses are fast-acting fuses that protect your electrical equipment from the slightest high current. All our technology and processes are designed to ensure the best technical performance.

Teilenummer E090578
Katalognummer MI6SF6V8
Beschreibung Feinsicherung IEC Miniature Fuses Size 6x32 3SF 8A Größe 6.35x32
EAN / UPC-Code 3605340092523
Bemessungsbetriebsspannung AC IEC 60 V
Bemessungsstrom 8 A
RoHS-konform Ja
Wechselstrom oder Gleichstrom AC
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