NEC 2020 Video

Mersen's New 2020 National Electrical Code® Video Now Available

Video focuses on new requirements for “whole-house” surge protection

Mersen is pleased to announce the availability of a new video that focuses on code changes in the 2020 National Electrical Code (NEC) relating to Surge Protective Devices (SPDs).

The 2020 NEC requires the addition of surge protection to all service supplying dwelling units: every unit that provides a complete and independent living facility for one or more individuals. Examples of dwelling units include houses, apartments, mobile homes, dorm rooms and any other units that provide means of living, sleeping, cooking and sanitation. Type 1 or Type 2 SPDs are required; surge strips do not fulfill the new code requirements.

The NEC sets standards and safety requirements for electrical installations in the United States. Mersen's UL Type 1 SPDs provide critical protection to ensure public safety and well being. Mersen’s Surge-Trap® STXH surge protective device adds a critical layer of surge protection for the entire home. This simple whole-house solution is installed at the load center and features Mersen’s industry leading TPMOV® Technology inside. Mersen’s Surge-Trap® SPDs meet the rigorous safety requirements and also provide required protection in a compact footprint.

Every Code cycle, experts at Mersen review the National Electrical Code for important changes to surge and overcurrent protection, and release information to inform and educate the electrical professional. Visit www.knowtheneccode.com to review the changes, download flyers and brochures, and access videos.

Click here to view Mersen's new 2020 National Electrical Code video. For more information about MersenHeatsinks-Group-Cover, visit ep.mersen.com.

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