Mersen Energy to innovate

Energy to Innovate, the Webzine

In 2021, Mersen has decided to launch a new magazine: Energy to Innovate.

Today, we offer you to discover its web version.

In 2021, Mersen has decided to launch a new magazine: Energy to Innovate.

In the 130 years of our existence, our Group has actively accompanied many industrial revolutions. We thought it would be interesting to approach the subject in a different way, to put our expertise and our solutions into perspective with the way society is moving forward and changing.

After all, what does it mean to innovate? Having an idea before anyone else, doing things differently, standing out from the competition, bringing more technology, more performance, better cost control...?

All of this only makes sense if it is put at the service of a vision. In the extremely particular context that we have been experiencing for the past year, and while our planet is facing major environmental challenges, we cannot avoid thinking in the long term.

One month ago, you discovered this new magazine. Today, we offer you to discover its web version articulated around 3 main themes:

  • "Back to the Future", a look back at the technical and social innovations that have moved the world forward
  • "In the air", with a focus on a revolutionary innovation for a booming market, the electric vehicle,
  • "Inside Mersen", the essence of what happened at Mersen in 2020
mersen webzine


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